Introduction To Entrepreneurship
All the information below and throughout the rest of this document can be used by aspiring and existing entrepreneurs desiring to establish his or her own business or expand an existing entity. Furthermore, these concepts can be used to create either a non-profit or for-profit enterprise virtually anywhere in the world. Also, different entrepreneurs can use these items to create or enhance a wide variety of businesses. There is no “one size fits all” strategy to utilize for all enterprises. Below are key concepts to consider in achieving either a new business or an expansion of an existing one.
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Why Go The Self Employment Route?
Engaging in self-actualization to create one’s own business or to expand his or her enterprise encourages the fulfillment of dreams, control over an individual’s destiny, keeping busy in positive and sometimes imaginative and unique ways, flexible work hours, learning new skills, exercising creativity to meet the needs of customers or clients, perhaps improving the lives of others, avoiding layoffs, downsizing, and remunerative reductions, securing an additional or enhanced job and thus another source of income, and helping those who work with or for the entrepreneur doing either of these things in order to secure rewarding and meaningful employment.
The Beginning Starts With A Single Step
Federal City Associates, very much supports the Chinese proverb which substantially states that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” For those desiring to establish their own business or who want to expand an existing enterprise, they must create timetables and schedules to carry out all necessary steps to establish a new entity or expand an existing organization.
Conducting The Interests And Talents Analysis
In following through on the act of having taken the first step as previously mentioned and developed it, those desiring to set up a business or expand an existing enterprise must conduct an evaluation of the following items : their physical and mental health to include their stamina to work through difficult circumstances, one’s own vocational and intellectual strengths and weaknesses, and their desire to do what it takes to either begin an enterprise or expand one which already exists. They must possess the following abilities: 1) read, comprehend, ask questions, and respond productively to all written and oral communications; 2) create effective ways of sharing various ideas; 3) meet minimal standards and criteria demanded by potential and actual customers, legal entities, professional boards, employees, and suppliers of needed goods and services; 4) provide customer satisfaction, and 5) build on past successful and unsuccessful efforts. As indicated above, areas of self-analysis must include examining the value, appropriateness, and relevance of past educational and employment accomplishments, pertinent recreational pursuits, training, and community service activities. Please review the following articles:
Getting The Necessary Abilities
After the above analysis, many individuals wanting to set up or expand their own businesses can benefit from participating in adult education and training programs which serve adults and youth (age 16 and older). These may include those who are not enrolled in school, or are not U.S. citizens, and do not have a working and functional command of the English language. Adult Basic Education programs help people improve basic skills in reading, writing, math, and speaking. They are offered through community colleges, nonprofit organizations, prisons, city departments such as libraries, as well as on-line entities. Gaining this type of help can assist one in critically thinking, analyzing, making decisions, communicating, interacting socially, and upgrading their self-esteem, literacy, and mathematical and computer skills. And then they could also secure USA citizenship, pass the GED, get help from vocational rehab and Job Service/American Job Center/Child and Family Offices in securing college education, participating in the CLEP program, and thus gain, if necessary, vocational and professional licenses.
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